This crossgrade of IK's AmpliTube 5 features a new, completely customizable gear chain. Beyond mono and stereo, AmpliTube 5 now supports wet-dry-wet configurations and other advanced series and parallel routing. The overall chain now supports up to a massive 57 simultaneous models across stomps, racks, amps and cabs. And setup is a breeze?just drag and drop any model into place, to build or reposition even the most complex rigs in seconds. New Cabinet Section With VIR Technology AmpliTube 5 premieres a re-engineered Cabinet section with all-new DSP. IK’s new Volumetric Impulse Response (VIR) uses 600 IRs per speaker, 1,200 IRs for a two-speaker cab and 2,400 IRs for a four-speaker cab, capturing a massive 3D array of mic placement options, plus all the interactions between speakers, cabinet and floor for a completely true-to-life sound. AmpliTube’s movable microphones now truly shine, with an easy-to-use grid that lets you snap to a precise IR point or seamlessly blend between multiple measurements. Best of all, IK has remeasured all 100+ cabinets in AmpliTube 5 MAX, refreshing every single cabinet for a massive 143,000+ IRs in all. New Mixer With the massively expanded signal chain options in AmpliTube 5, you need a better way to mix and record that sound as well. So AmpliTube 5’s studio section adds a new Mixer window, letting you blend the sound of your cabinets and microphones, plus DI signal. With panning, levels, busses and 19 built-in effects, some derived from T-RackS 5, it’s a powerful tool to put a final studio sheen on any track. New and Remastered Classic Gear 48 brand new gear models, including 10 new stomps, nine acclaimed amps with matched cabs, and 19 racks, some of them taken from T-Rack